e-newsletter V.11 #1
Historical Society of Clinton, Michigan
P.O. Box 647, Clinton, MI 49236
June 9, 2021
We are hoping we will have programs starting again in October 2021.
PICNIC – JUNE 15RD-6 pm –The picnic will be held at the Smith Kimball and two houses will receive Historic Building Plaques, Annual Business will be held with election of officers and approval of 2021-22 Budget. We will also dedicate two memorial trees for Robert Way and Sheryl Busch. For the picnic, the meat will be furnished and beverage. Please bring your own place setting and a dish to pass. Please call Norleen at 517-442-8385 to leave a reservation by Friday, June 11. We will be inside in case of rain.
US 12 GARAGE SALE- AUGUST 13-15. We will sponsor this and set up our own booth at the Clinton American Legion Hall on Jackson St. We need volunteers for Thursday to set up and Friday and Saturday to sell. We are not open on Sunday. Items can be brought on Thursday for the sale between 9-2pm. There will be a signup sheet at the picnic. We need everyone’s help.
For the first year, HSC is offered a scholarship to a Clinton High School senior wrote a historic paper about a Clinton person, place, event, business or organization. The committee that worked on this is : Mike Walters, Pat Sturk and Jan Wegner. Pat Sturk made the presentation of the $500 scholarship to Sky Chandler, this year’s winner. Her essay will be put on our web site and will also be in the Clinton Local.
PHOTO BOOK FOR CLINTON- Still being worked on by the HSC Board. Those helping Sharon Scott with writing the text are: George Service, Karen Faust, Cynthia Given and Charlie Steffens. Pat Sturk is doing the editing. We hope the first volume will come out this year: “A Century of Clinton’s Past, volume 1, Downtown, Business & Industry, 1880-1980” .
DONATION – Clinton High School has donated 27 VHS tapes of sports, graduations and dramas. Twenty-four of these tapes have been digitized by Samuel Hall and are available to view by appointment. The other three are on ¾” video tape and we do not have the facility to digitize these. Some of the tapes are:
- class of 1976
- class of 1982
- class of 1984
- class of 1989
- class of 1991 video and graduation
- class of 1995 video
- class of 1994 video
- class of 1999
- class of 2002
- class of 2003
HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS – The Oklahoma Correctional Industries, with a grant, have digitized Clinton High School Yearbooks from 1960-1999. HSC paid for the 1917, 1937 and 1947 yearbooks, as they were not a part of the grant. All of these are available at the Clinton Township Library Desk and at Clinton High School Library.
If you order from amazon you can go to amazonsmile.com instead and choose the Historical Society of Clinton as your charity. Your order is processed just the same as if you’re on amazon, but HSC will get a .5% back. We get a quarterly check. Use this for your Christmas shopping.
Like us on Facebook!
We’ve added a Facebook page to keep people informed of our events and historical tidbits. Little by little it is growing and reaching more and more people! We’d like you to LIKE us and share with your friends and family too! So if you are on Facebook, just go to: https://www.facebook.com/49236HSC and follow us.
Nicola and Samuel Hall are currently working on sorting through the obituary cards, updating them and also getting obits ready to be pasted onto cards. Lenore Binns is almost finished cataloging our large ” Sell DeMuth Collection” of general store records, from the 1870’s to 1910’s.
We still need help with filing, pasting obituaries and cataloging books. We usually work on Fridays from 3-5 pm at the library. Let us know if you can help.
CEMETERY PRESERVATION– The Historical Society is taking on the work of preserving the Oak Mount or Old East Cemetery, near the water tower. George Service and Karen Faust have already uncovered, listed and cleaned around the stones. They are also going to attend a Cemetery Preservation workshop in Union City this month. If you want to be involved in cleaning and restoring the stones, let George Service know.