e-newsletter V.8 #1
Historical Society of Clinton, Michigan
P.O. Box 647, Clinton, MI 49236
February 20, 2018
February 23, 1-4pm at Clinton Township Library Meeting Room- Repairing Clinton Township Tax Records. We will be working on the Clinton Township Tax Records replacing the leather ¼ binding and some of the hinges. They have been deteriorating.
March27, 7-8:30pm at Clinton Township Public Library “Early History of Farming in Lenawee County” by Ray Leonard, curator of the William G. Thompson House Museum & Gardens in Hudson, MI. He is also active in the Civil War Roundtable in Lenawee County.
April 24, 7-8:30 pm – at Clinton Township Public Library- Annual Meeting 7pm, Building Marker presentations 7:30
May 22, 7-8:30 pm at Clinton Township Public Library – “Century Old Inns in Michigan:
The Clinton Inn, The Book Cadillac & Fireside Inn at Presque Isle” The history and preservation of these Inn’s will be presented by Virginia Davis of Dexter, MI. Mrs. Davis wrote her Masters Thesis on this topic.
June 26, 6 pm at Norma Every’s house at 11533 Braun Rd., Manchester. PICNIC- bring a dish to pass and your own place setting.
July – Tour of Rowland’s Buildings in Detroit may be a possibility. Let us know if you would be interested in such a tour.
August 10-12- US 12 GARAGE SALE- Start to save up your rummage.
ARCHIVES- Archives are open for research on most Fridays 3-5pm. Check the web-site for the schedule. Help is always appreciated. We still need someone to do the scanning of a 1920’s &30s scrapbook with a camera or phone and to help digitize old audio tapes.
If you order from amazon you can go to amazonsmile.com instead and choose the Historical Society of Clinton as your charity. Your order is processed just the same as if you’re on amazon, but HSC will get a .5% back. This is very easy to do. Thanks to everyone who has ordered from Amazon, listing HSC as their charity.
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